2022 archive

BLON is delighted to announce its newly formed friendship with A MAZE./ Berlin festival! Artistic, playful, vibrant, bright and emotionally charged games and installations are ready to be experienced by Baltic audiences. Come and see, play, or spectate – the experience is sure to be charged with emotions!


BORE DOME is an experimental first-person simulation game that lets you experience the mediocrity and imperfection of the 21st century using “cutting-edge psychotronic medication”. Enable your thought and will, equip your senses and get ready to confront all kinds of situations and unhinged characters. "In the near future, human life is perfect. BORE DOME is a magical pill solution of the future, consumed as entertainment and medicine, providing humans with moments of imperfection and mediocrity – something exotic, distant and extinct". Created by Goblin Rage

The Game of Me (Installation)
The Game of Me (Installation) #

The Game of Me is an immersive installation of my healing journey, a journey towards self-love and compassion. It channels my personal struggles in exploring my identity while growing up in a conservative community in Egypt. For this game, I used my actual diary, notes, thoughts, everything that helped me heal and learn to love myself again: It was my own sort of therapy. Snapshots of my life are turned into an art installation where people can just look at it or play it. Every single element is there for a reason and tells part of my story and there are so many hidden details in different gamified experiences immersing the viewers deep into my personal life. Designed in a non-linear way, it combines several technologies from Augmented Reality and Projection Mapping to Creative Coding. Created by Aleyeldin (Aley) Baracat

We Are One
We Are One #

Work together with yourself in VR! We Are One is a puzzle shooter in which you solve mind-bending puzzles by cloning yourself and playing with time loops. Cleverly plan ahead and cooperate with your own clones – the only help you really need (and get) is your own! Created by Flat Head Studio.

A Rejection Story!
A Rejection Story! #

Recall the thrill of finding an exciting job opportunity, applying with great enthusiasm, pouring your soul into writing the ultimate covering letter, and then waiting to hear back from the studio? This is the tale of a girl applying for her dream job, and the chaos that befalls her while she awaits that all-important email. During the game, the character will change based on your choices, and three endings can be unlocked. The story is inspired by the author's true and imagined experiences during a few months spent looking for the perfect job. Created by Faezeh Khomeyrani

Okthryssia and Saturnia's Bureaucratic Adventures
Okthryssia and Saturnia's Bureaucratic Adventures #

Help Okthryssia and Saturnia navigate the tormenting twists and turns of bureaucracy to claim their inheritance. Created by Fantasia Malware.

Sticky Cats
Sticky Cats #

Sticky Cats is a fumblecore party game in which each player controls a sticky cat with a craving for fish. Players must traverse a house, steal a fish, and make a dash for the exit while sticking to everything and causing mayhem along the way. Created by The Bones Brothers

Titanic II: Orchestra for Dying at Sea
Titanic II: Orchestra for Dying at Sea #

Tragedy is comedy, and comedy is tragedy. In this allegorical game, sacrifice your life to save the one you love from drowning in the icy waters of the Atlantic, sink to the bottom of the ocean and experience a strange, eccentric, haunting world between life and death, memory and reality. Created by Flan Falacci.

Tux and Fanny
Tux and Fanny #

When you take a closer look, everything is an adventure. Tux and Fanny just want to play football, but their soccer ball is deflated. Go on an epic adventure to help them inflate their ball. Play as both Tux and Fanny, as well as a cat and a flea. All four characters have to work together if you’re going to inflate the ball. Play a multitude of diverse mini-games that you'll collect as you progress through your journey, each with its own unique rewards. Secrets are hidden at every turn in the world of Tux and Fanny. Can you find them all? Created by Albert Birney and Gabriel Koenig

Line Wobbler (LED Installation)
Line Wobbler (LED Installation) #

Line Wobbler is a one-dimensional dungeon crawler game with a unique wobble controller made from a door-stopper spring and a several meter long ultrabright LED strip display. The entire game runs on an Arduino, including sound, particle effects and 60+ fps. It's been exhibited in quite a few places now (such as the Experimental Gameplay Workshop at GDC 2015, Burning Man 2015, London, Chicago and Oslo) and won two prizes at the A MAZE. Awards 2015 in Berlin. Created by Robin Baumgarten.