Claws, Feathers, Hair and Moustaches

Dir. Frits Standaert, Fabrice Luang-Vija, Nicolas Bianco-Levrin, Natalia Chernysheva, Nolwenn Roberts, Mercedes Marro

G / 37 min / 2011-2018 / Animation / France Subtitles: without dialogue 1. Rumors by Frits Standaert Three hares are dozing on a lovely summer afternoon in the middle of the jungle when they suddendly hear a strange noise in the foliage. Panic-striken, they take flight with in their wake all the animals of the jungle. Only the Lion manages to stop them by reluctanly showing them the origin of this crazy rumour. 2. The chicken, the elephant and the snake by Fabrice Luang-Vija Take three farm, jungle and desert animals. Put them together. You will get tasty fables, full of action and delirium. 3. Minoule by Nicolas Bianco-Levrin Minoule is a roguish cat spending the whole day on the edge of his windowsill, under the roofs. Far off, the song of a small canary in his cage works him up an appetite. But the way to catch the prey is full of pitfalls. 4. Two friends by Natalia Chernysheva Two friends, a caterpillar and a tadpole, grow up in two different environments. 5. Sam's dream by Nolwenn Roberts Sam is a little mouse, who, on a beautiful spring morning, decides to realize his dream: to fly with the swallows. 6. Water path for fish by Mercedes Marro A starry night in a poor neighborhood in Latin America. Oscar sleeps in his room when a sudden gust of wind wakes him up. From his window, he sees a small goldfish in a pool of dirty, breathless water.